1. Personality
Personality mostly decide the appearance of the character, but not just that, personality take the most important part in every movies. Personality is the one which make the movie full of colour, making it fun and good to watch. Some of comedy genre have a character who likes to joking, but if about action, usually the main character is a well trained person. Afterall, personality is the one which make movies intersting
2. Appearance
Appearance also the one needed to make a character, usually connected with the costumes. There are two types of appearance, the first one is a make sense appearance, usually in ordinary movies, like actions. The second one is not make sense appearance, mostly in the fantasy movies. It is very easy to tell the difference.
Look at her, does it really possible for a girl to lift up a big canon with one hand? of course not, this is a not make sense appearance. By the way, this anime is about fantasy, so everything could happen here, but not in the reality.
3. Examples of characters personality and appearance
A. This person likes to train his muscles and show it off to the others, the one who very excited about muscles and talk about muscles in his daily life.
Inohara Masato - Little Busters!
B. The boy on the right is a nerd, you can tell in this scene of course. Look at his appearance, he wearing glasses and talk like a math master.
Takeyama - Angel Beats!
C. This man is a rider, just look at his outfit and the vehicle he stands on. A rider supposed to be wild right? Now you can judge yourself is he wild or not? standing on a bike like that?
Ash Roller - Accel World (this is a female, do not be fool by appearance)
D. Now look at this man, what is he look like? He is a warrior with a giant sword. This character has a muscles that allow him to swing that giant sword. It is still make sense though.
Sagara Sanosuke - Samurai X